Whitetail &
Mule Deer Surveys
Deer Survey:
In addition to the deer, the number of predators, feral hogs, exotic animals, quail coveys and general vegetation condition are noted. The data will allow the ranch to make more informed and economical decisions.
Ex: A ranch with a high buck to doe ratio, poor fawn crop and a sprawling predator population may find it more economical to abate their costly supplemental feeding program and allocate their resources toward harvesting the number of does to meet a more practical 1:2 sex ratio and actively reducing the numbers of predators, improving their fawn crop.
Deer Surveys in the Cross Timbers & Other “Thick” Areas:
It is far more effective to wait until winter, after the leaves have fallen, to attempt a “100% count”. The winter survey can then be forwarded into the year. If it is impractical and too difficult to determine yearlings from fawns, a herd composition survey (a small sampling using either a spotlight or aerial) can be performed in the fall to determine the fawn crop.
Another problem encountered with winter surveys has been early shedding. Over the past couple of years in the Cross Timbers, we have been seeing bucks shedding their horns as early as late December.
It is advisable to consult with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Biologist in your area. They will be the most aware of the conditions in your area.
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(254) 246 1603 cell
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Breckenridge, TX
Serving the Cross Timbers, Lubbock, Panhandle and surrounding areas.